06 February 2008

Growing Pains (Annie Writes)

Everyone knows that as you get older new challenges arise... Well, I'm older and shots still hurt! I'm not talking about my shots, I'm talking about Sophia's shots. We just went to her two month appointment the other day and she had to get all of the usual vaccinations. It hurt me so much to watch her happy little smile turn into a sad frown and then to a loud scream.

I guess that's why parents always say things like: I just want to know where you are so that I don't have to worry; It hurts me more than it hurts you; Don't say you hate me, you don't really mean it; and all of the other usual sayings.

I guess it's good that we have challenges because we wouldn't know the triumphs without them!
Kinda like "You can't know the good if you didn't have the bad!" (Or something like that).
Anyway, Sophia is growing so fast! She now weighs 12 lbs. 7 oz. and is 23 3/4 inches long!!! WOW! What a woman! She is doing so many new things too! She laughs and babbles all the time! She loves to stand up (with help of course) and she is starting to lift her head up so that she can sit up (she even starts lifting her head by herself and I have to hurry and grab her hands so that she can pull herself the rest of the way up).
The other night Sophia started walking! Okay, she had a little help... Weston, my brother, held her hands and she stood up and started walking! She had so little help that I was shocked and almost couldn't believe what was happening! She's so precious! I love her so much!

Until next time!!


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