25 September 2008

Her Daddy's Girl...

... or at least I like to think she always is.

This morning while we were getting out the door for the day, Sophie found my headphones I left on the floor and plugged into the computer. I figured wince she is a bit of a music nut (she insists on watching music videos while she eats — but she is alright watching Back to the Future on Saturday mornings — and usually wants a particular video: Mika - "Lollipop"), that I would put the earphones on to see what she would do.

There was something playing, but I didn't really check to see what it was, I just wanted to see what my munchkin would do with the headphones. At first she actually was digging the tunes, and was dancing a bit. But pretty quickly her dislike of all things put on her head got the best of her and she ripped them off, and we continued our morning routine.

But I did manage to pull off a few shots of Sophie Lou being her daddy's little booger.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is soooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freakin Cute =)