22 November 2007

It's Thanksgiving, baby

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We had an extra special Thanksgiving this year; Annie and Sophia were released from the hospital today. Sophia is doing really well, everything is going great, she's eating and all of the tests they run have come out good - as far as we know.

Annie, on the other hand, isn't having as smooth a transition post delivery. Ever since the delivery her left leg has been numb. She can't feel much below the middle of her thigh down until just above her ankle.

It makes it very difficult to walk; she has to kind of drag her leg along with her. She tries to take baby steps when she can to help it along, but that eventually led to her taking a spill in the bathroom as she was finishing up getting ready for the day. It's amazing how fast a husband can move when he hears his wife fall down around the corner. I think I was in the bathroom about the same time she hit the floor.

The doctors say the numbness is probably due to a pinched nerve, though it is possible it could be from the epidural shot (they would never say that though). They said it could last anywhere from six days to six months (not the most promising time frame), but we're crossing our fingers, hoping for six days - six weeks tops.

The nurses brought Annie a Thanksgiving dinner for lunch, and we just kept getting ready to finally get Sophia to the comfort of our home. It's still such a surreal feeling to think that Annie and I are parents. I attribute part of that to the lack of sleep.

The first night we spent in the hospital with our new baby girl (the room had a fold-out couch that I slept on both nights) we didn't get any sleep until four in the morning and were up and going early. Plus when they took her back to the nursery they brought her back every three hours to feed.

Even with these minor setbacks it is a great feeling to have our Sophie Lou here and safe in our arms. There's nothing in the world like holding your own child, fresh and unscathed by the wiles of the world. She's a miracle in every way and now she will fill our home with her pure innocence and the joy of parenthood.

To take her home we had a preemie outfit (purple pants with a purple hoodie) picked out that would be sure to fit - or so we thought. The hoodie fit fine and looked really good. the pants, on the other hand, were too short for her legs and way too big around the waist. It was almost like the pants were made for a very short and very, very fat baby.

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