05 May 2008

You thought maybe I had disappeared? + A list of firsts

Only having the interent at school makes updating the blog sometimes near impossible. That's an excuse. Take it for what it's worth. But now school is done, however, I don't have the internet (or at least this slice of internet) available at work, so I will try to be as frequent as I am given chance.

I am stil going to fill in Christmas and Sophie's blessing where they go, but beyond that, just know she's growing like big growing weed with the spring. She is currently five and a half months and her first little tooth poked through her gums last night. It was just another in a laundry list of incredible things she has accomplished over the past month or so.

In case you're wondering, here's my recollection of that list (which I might update after Annie tells me everything I forgot):

Taking assisted steps, which I may have already mentioned.
Rolling over.
Her feet don't really fit into most of her shoes anymore.
Got her first nasty virus.
More rolling over.
Holding herself up on her hands and knees.
The cutest little laugh.
Decided she loves toys.
Eating rice cereal.
Her dark hair fell out and is growing in thick and blonde. Right now it looks like a baby chicken.

Annie and I love our little Sophie Lou, even though we had no idea her ornery spells over the past few weeks were caused by her poor gums aching from pushing teeth. If we had only known and given her some Tylenol every now and then.

As for Annie and I, we're still just obsessed with Sophie. But we do have lives as well. I graduated from UVSC at the end of April with a B.S. degree in Communication and am currently in the market for any jobs in the surrounding states that have anything to do with journalism. Until then, I am still plugging away at the Financial Aid Office at UVSC until the end of May.

Annie is finishing out her second year of teaching and is anxiously waiting for me to finally get a job so she knows whether she will get her wish of getting to retire her teaching attire to be a mommy full time. We both have our fingers crossed. I have sent applications to places in Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, California, New York, Washington State and Minnesota. Hopefully one of them decides they like me.

Wish us luck.

1 comment:

Ms. La Rue said...

Congratulations on an amazing baby and on graduation. Surreal, right?

Give Annie and Sophie my love.

Oh, and good luck with the job hunting. Sometimes, being an adult sucks.